You can’t see attic floor houses in my favourite city. That’s why I just gave up the idea of living in such a house. OK, let it be a dream, that never comes true. Now in this guest-city I have a house with attic floor. You can see the stars and clouds from the window of the bedroom. It depends when you think about the sky. And if you are a bit more dreamer than the normal ones, it is perfect…

Now it’s the perfect Saturday in our house. In our attic-floor-with-a-latch-clossed-door house. The thoughts that are always jealous about your peace of mind are away. There are our favourite songs in the air. And smell of the coffee mixed with these songs. And sunshine playing with the shades of the furniture.
Our happiness lives in tiny thougths and deeds. Our headaches are because of killing the monsters or letting the alone. Never give up talking to the monsters of your head. Sometimes they are the ones who just make a cup of coffee and turn the best music on. Let them make a perfect Saturday for you.